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Try Our Beef Cuts

Horning Farms is also proud to be selling local beef raised right here in Manchester, MI. The beef is processed at a USDA inspected plant, frozen, and packaged in vacuum-sealed bags.

Also check out the Bulk Freezer Beef section.

Try Our Cheese

Horning Farms is part of a farmer-owned, Michigan based dairy cooperative, which owns three dairy processing plants. One of these is Heritage Ridge Creamery, which makes the cheese we are proud to offer in our farm shop.

  • Environmental Stewardship

    We understand the importance of protecting the environment and our natural resources. We depend on the land for our business and quality of life

  • Animal Care

    Animal care is a top prioity for our family. We work hard to make sure all of our animals are happy, healthy, and comfortable

  • Healthy Food

    We take pride in producing healthy, safe food for both our family and yours.